Wednesday 17 April 2013

Final changes - Digipak Design

After completing a fourth draft of my digipak, I took it home and found some changes that I wanted to make to it after looking at some existing digipaks. I decided there were some elements that I could include in order to make it look more professional and realistic.
I increased the size of the album title and aligned the artist name to the centre.
I added a barcode using Barcode Generator and I also added a QR Code, which make the digipak look more realistic, this is how they will look when up for sale in a shop. I added some text to the bottom as well it states the writer and producer of the album.

I added some lines to this section of the digipak to hide the overlaps between the four separate images - this makes it look more professional by hiding any errors.

I added some more text to the back such as copyright information and about the record label.

I then added the Copy Control logo, because I saw it on the back of an existing CD.

I chose to make all of my images but one black and white, because I think it creates an elegant image. The black and white also makes it look like photos from the past - like memories. I wanted to create this effect because the artist was in New York, but is now back in Britain and it like she is looking back at the visit which inspired the album.

All of my images used on the digipak are black and white apart from one, whilst the other images maintain continuity, there is one colour image. I chose to leave that image in colour because it contains the iconic New York yellow cabs. If I didn't make anything else colourful then the other image would remain to look irrelevant compared with the rest of the product. I made the font of the artist name and album title yellow to provide a link with the yellow cabs

This is the final draft of my digipak. I then saved it as JPEG image and posted it in a separate blog post, click here to see.

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